Published Researchs

A comparison between iron and mild steel electrodes for the treatment of highly loaded grey water using an electrocoagulation techniqueArabian Journal of ChemistryWastewater treatment2023  Visit URL
Impact of a Sand Filtration Pretreatment Step on High-Loaded Greywater Treatment by an Electrocoagulation TechniqueWaterwastewater treatment2023  Visit URL
Integrating of electrocoagulation process with submerged membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment under low voltage gradientsChemosphereWastewater treatment2023  Visit URL
Evaluation of scrap metallic waste electrode materials for the application in electrocoagulation treatment of wastewaterChemosphereSolid waste management and wastewater treatment2023  Visit URL
Energy saving in the process of bioethanol production from renewable paper mill sludgeEnergywastewater treatment2020  Visit URL
Clayey soil amendment by hydrophilic nano bentonite for landfill cover barrier: a case studyJournal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Managementsolid waste management2020  Visit URL
Combined electrocoagulation processes as a novel approach for enhanced pollutants removal: A state-of-the-art reviewScience of The Total Environmentwastewater treatment2020  Visit URL
Treatment of olive mill effluent by adsorption on titanium oxide nanoparticlesScience of The Total EnvironmentWastewater treatment2019  Visit URL
Free radical-assisted electrocoagulation processes for wastewater treatmentEnvironmental Chemistry LettersWastewater treatment2018  Visit URL
Ablution gray water qualitative assessment and treatment by submerged membrane bioreactor: a case study in Jordan.Desalination and Water TreatmentWastewater treatment2018  Visit URL
Impact of surface modification of green algal biomass by phosphorylation on the removal of copper (II) ions from waterTurkish Journal of ChemistryWastewater2017  Visit URL
On the performance of Ballota Undulata biomass for the removal of cadmium (II) ions from waterDesalination and Water TreatmentWastewater treatment2017  Visit URL
On the performance of Ballota undulata biomass for the removal of cadmium(II) ions from waterDesalination and Water Treatmentwastewater2017  Visit URL
Impact of Soluble COD on Grey water Treatment by Electrocoagulation TechniqueDesalination and Water Treatmentwastewater2017  Visit URL
Biodegradation of olive mills wastewater using thermophilic bacteriaDesalination and Water Treatment Wastewater2015  Visit URL
Heavy metal ions removal from metal plating wastewater using electrocoagulation: Kinetic study and process performance Chemical Engineering Journal wastewater treatment2015  Visit URL
On the performance of real grey water treatment using a submerged membrane bioreactor systemJournal of Membrane Science wastewater treatment2015  Visit URL
Characteristics of a novel low density cell-immobilized magnetic supports in liquid magnetically stabilized bedsBiochemical Engineering JournalChemical engineering2015  Visit URL
COD reduction of baker’s yeast wastewater using batch electrocoagulationEnvironmental Engineering and Management Journalwastewater2014  Visit URL
AL-Shannag M., Bani-Melhem K., Al-Anber Z., Al-Qodah Z. "Enhancement of COD-Nutrients Removals and Filterability of Secondary Clarifier Municipal Wastewater Influent Using Electrocoagulation Technique."Separation Science and TechnologyWastewater treatment2013  Visit URL
AL-Shannag M., Lafi W., Bani-Melhem K., Gharagheer F., Dhaimat O. "Reduction of COD and TSS from paper industries wastewater using electro-coagulation and chemical coagulation." Separation Science and TechnologyWastewater treatment2012  Visit URL
Smith, E. and Bani-Melhem, K. "Grey Water Characterization and Treatment for Reuse in an Arid Environment." Water Science and TechnologyWastewater managment and treatment 2012  Visit URL
Bani-Melhem, K., and Smith E. "Grey Water Treatment by a Continuous Process of an Electro-coagulation Unit and a Submerged Membrane Bioreactor System"Chemical Engineering Journal, Wastewater treatment/membrane seperation2012  Visit URL
Bani-Melhem, K., and Elektorowicz M. "Performance of the submerged membrane electoro- bioreactor (SMEBR) with iron electrodes for wastewater treatment and fouling reduction."Journal of Membrane Science, Wastewater treatment and membrane seperation technology2011  Visit URL
Bani-Melhem K, and Elektorowicz M. "Development of a novel submerged membrane electoro- bioreactor (SMEBR): Performance for fouling reduction." Environ. Sci. and TechnoWastewater treatment and membrane technology2010  Visit URL
Banat, F. Abu Al-Rub, F. A., and Bani-Melhem, K. "Desalination by Vacuum Membrane Distillation: Sensitivity Analysis." Separation Purification TechnologyMembrane seperation technology2003  Visit URL